little ms snoozy over here
What will happen after so much dye?
Beating Chris' part on VoS
Pain and Panic!
What level is my natural?
Sleepy babies
Dandelion, my half wood elf bard :)
Dealing with Mice Hate
our little boy pippin :)
Fresh off the press
'conical flask' my ass GALE HAS A BONG
thoughts on my durge tiefling fighter, Cyth?
Marceline, My Draconic Sorceress Durge
UPDATE: Mouse identification
This is my sweet, skittish sorcerer named Cherry. She's from a circus :)
Mouse identification?
what to do with one semi-bully mouse?
are fat graphs or implants better for someone with a bigger frame?
rate the cleaning day setup!
upgraded from his temp enclosure!
Panic says hi from her hammock!
[ALL] So many awesome Zelda tattoos. Time to change it up. Check out my shitty Zelda tattoo!
woke my 15 year old sleeping beauty from her nap. definitely my bad
My dark urge fighter, Cyth :)
anyone with African soft furs wanna talk about their experience?