Conflict in shop, how would you handle it?
What's a good starting audio drama for the horror genre?
What cooking mistake turned out better than expected?
Can anyone help me find a story? Or was I hallucinating?
Port wine! What pairs best? Do you use it in home cooking?
What's something you did as a "short cut" that ended up better than the original?
What’s a sitcom line that’s forever stuck in your head?
Does anybody else shit in public restrooms?
Fluffier Kodiak Cakes?
Are batteries supposed to last this long?
Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? Why?
Saw this beast at the dealership I work at
Y’all… what can I cook in this little guy besides one single egg?
The Thing - Shoggoth.
00 hit twice in a row
How do you win?
Cold weather pants at camp
What creature from Lovecraft universe can be killed by humans ?
That’s a lot of podcast lol
Thoughts about directly attacking spell slots as a resource?
Would you ever?
Does anyone actually eat cream of mushroom or chicken as soup
Have you read Sherlock Holmes vs Cthulu: The Adventure of Deadly Dimensions by Lois H. Gresh?
Just got caught up with Midnight Burger
Dealer question: practice ball spin