Non-Trad Premed Planning Around Green Card Timeline - Just wanted to share my story
Non trad how long to get CP content done from scratch ?
Businesscard in place if letterhead?
Which med schools value applicants as mentors?
Incoming T5 student with writing background offering app help
CARS perfection?
PSA: Don't sign up for the MCAT Recruiting Service
Premeds are even worse than I thought they were
Anyone else skipping their rotation to protest tomorrow?
PI was brutally honest. I don’t know if I have a future in research or medicine.
Personal statements for non-traditional students
is it possible to get a PhD after med school + residency?
med school admissions is ridiculous
Would you consider this clinical experience?
How would you reduce the medical school application rat race?
Establishing Michigan Residency
Personal statement tips???
Letter of Rec Written with Chat GPT?
Why are total number of Med School Applicants declining every year?
Strange (but fun!) Application Review
Having a really hard time getting started on my PS
Has anyone else spoken with doctors who, rather than recommending the physician path, express a wish for exploring or knowing about other healthcare careers first?
no actually this process makes a ton of sense
Is it really that hard to just not spank kids?