Unsere Schule will für das Jahrbuch Fotos mit Zitaten zu jedem einzelnen Schüler, Ideen?
Look at me ! I’m upside down 🙃
No one remembered my birthday, and it really hurts
Near escape!
What was your reaction to this scene when u saw it for the first time?
Lil climber
what is bro doing?
If you could go back to being 18, would you?
Name your favorite MHA character
If you could which one of these worlds would you live in
The Inheritance Cycle Fandom
What girl's name has the most "Trashy Trailer Park" energy?
Motiviert bleiben bei geringer Einsatzdichte
Cute “human” names for male cats
Molting Time Question...
Can you train your hermit crabs to potty in 1 place ?
How a random school mate and my math teacher became my heros in dancing class.
Shruikan had it rough.
Who is your favorite male character?
Can germit crabs swim or hold theire breath?
Which of this shells are good for my crabs?
What is your favourite passage or moment in the inheritance cycle
Why Turbo Shells?
Random hermitcrabs on the shores
What is your hottest take that you will defend until the end?