Very new to Wu-Tang!
Small addition the the Mac collection
What does C.R.E.A.M means?(wrong answers only)
Are these worth anything?
Rate my vinyl wall🥰
What songs have ridiculously long names (excluding features in the title)
I love these Balloonerism keychains🎈
A few albums I like turning 30
Took my cds out of the closet, dusted them off, and gave them to my son for his 13th
Songs that sample video game OSTs
Classic bands that do nothing for you? I’ll start
Sub needs more e!e!(iwale) love
"it's gonna be okay" type songs
songs where the artist messes up the beginning vocal and leaves it in anyways
Does anybody collect a specific Pokémon too? Mine is Vaporeon 🐠
With everyone talking about Marietta, let's not forget about Mineral's farewell show being at BFF fest
Out of all of my friends’ tastes, whose is best/worst?
Jesse Lacey Eastside Bowl Poster Giveaway!
My Collection after about 6-7 months, any thoughts?
February was plentiful, what finds stick out the most?
Do people not like the cover Bren did of “death for my birthday” ?
What is the communities favourite song from 2012?
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Any screamo songs that have an anthemic drive?
How does everyone feel about this record?