Next best DeviantArt alternative?
What activities you guys do when you get anxious?
How do Dev's work in a company which is related to NSFW
nodemon can't resolve import in docker.
nodemon keeps crashing without any error message in docker
Nodemon crashes in docker, without any error message.
Contacted my[21m] ex[21f] after a year, she's with someone else now
pain in left side of the chest
Did anyone else watch inside out 2 and cry
Why is life so unfair??
Watch this if you're looking for sports anime.
Developer Relations Engineer/Manager the famous role? How much they get paid for?
My GF of two years dumped me by text, and then ghosted me
2 things that really help me calm down.
20[M4F] Delhi- looking for short term relationship or just friends?
20[M4F] Delhi- looking for short term relationship or just friends
Does anyone else's anxiety peaks around evening, and it just keeps increasing through the night?
Morning Anxiety
Daily Community Thread.
Is it possible to be physically anxious without being mentally anxious?
What are some ways to handle anxiety other than meds?
DAE - get days where things feel like a blur and your paranoia spikes and you think people don’t like you or your crazy?
does anxiety makes you socially incompetent ?