Amber competing for Destiny's attention with her nephew
All the current TTC forum posts fearing ‘Christmas babies’ and trying to decide to skip this month or not
What was your first period like post-MC?
Wine and Whine Wednesdays
When your coworker asks "why don't you just adopt"
Me, looking back at my last birthday, sad I wasn’t pregnant… fast forward a year, and it’s like a rerun nobody asked for.
Me sometimes wondering how the human population surpassed 8 billion when TTC is so hard for so many of us
Rarity suspicions
Post MC Headaches?
Was your first ovulation different after d&c?
I had a mc last year during mine & hubs 1st anniversary, I am now having another one again, during our 2nd anniversary….🤡
Egg retrieval #2 scheduled for tomorrow morning. Just got an email from The NY Times titled “no eggs, no problem.”
What’s the worst thing someone said to you after your miscarriage?
Sometimes I feel fine but then sometimes I just want to bawl my eyes out
When you went full delulu last cycle and have resolved to be more chill this time around but then 7dpo hits and the trollgesterone surges…
I’m so angry
when I all have to add the parent conversations is stories about my dogs
Seeing my husband hold my toddler niece’s hand while on a walk today and all I could think of was how good of a dad he would be
When pre period spotting has started but your brain is trying to convince you that it could be iMpLaNtAtIoN bLeEdInG
I miss my baby
When your sister and sister in law both regularly send pictures and videos of their kids in group chats and all you can respond with is pictures and videos of your cats.
Salty Sunday: What made you salty this week?
Non Trigger Comfort Show Suggestions?
Daily Symptom Spot Thread - March 15, 2025