Heath Ledger would've made a great Darrow
Always pictured Ephraim as Toombs from Chronicles of Riddick. Or Tom Waits if he was an actor and still alive
Ladies and Gentlemans, The Jackal
This is who I pictured as Cassius during the entire series. Probably wouldn't work anymore as Spartacus is almost 20 years old now but this was my head canon while reading.
Viggo Mortenson as Lorn au Arcos . . . did I cook or am I cooked?
How are you gonna enjoy this ?
Jackals OG Plan
LB Ch. 39: Quicksilver’s backstory and feeling conflicted
Its nice, but what are the pros and cons to having a lowered truck
Low as it gets
Does Pentagon Chief Hegseth Have a Russian Email Account?
Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) suggests students work at McDonald's instead of getting free school lunches.
The mind's eye
New to me 2025 6 speed
Pax au Telemanus Is Overrated
Does anyone know if the entire series is going to be released in this format or only the first book? I want to buy the hardcovers but I don't want mismatched formats on my bookshelf haha
What went wrong here? I've never gotten death wobble this bad that didn't straighten out after slowing down a bit. Mechanical failure or bad load?
The End of Dark Age
I know we hate the Jackal
Oh boy! Finally a Goldwing on sale! oh..., oh no.....
Just started Iron Gold
I feel like I missed out on “the big moment”, would the series still do it for me?
My paperbacks arrived today! After reading the entire series on ebooks, I'm finally the proud owner of the physical books