How are you doing today?
Left side of low back hurts after doing snatches, form issue?
Anyone need exercise or you turn into a huge asshole?
Looking to write posts for mental health related content. I have lived experience. Will write for free.
I’m so glad I didn’t give up.
Tools for managing bipolar?
Discovering how my diet greatly affects my mood. Like damn.
Do I need a full year of sobriety before I date?
Decided to take my writing seriously.
I need to vent (also I’ve been entitled)
Made it to 90 days.
Looking for a necklace that has to do with bipolar disorder.
84 days sober from PMO and all other drugs!!
Day 81 and I relapsed..
Finally decided to become disciplined with my writing.
Is cutting out all caffeine worth it?
Starting to have a life.
Damn, this has been way harder and more life changing than expected.
67 days free from porn and masterbation.
What massively improved your mental health?
Day 60 free from everything!
Day 55: Getting sober from porn is simply the beginning.
Day 53 and I’m feeling better day by day.
It’s wild how even everyday substances like sugar and caffeine can mess me up.
Day 51 and I’m starting to do much much better.