Galaxies in our night sky.
This is gross
Am I doing it right?
In Memory of Bulbasaur 💔
Illegally smol tongue
2 day old Bulbasaur - tiny ear twitches!
Found a stray little angel near my home yesterday any advice
We finally have a Bulbasaur!
Anyone here an expert on Deaf education and IEP plans? My son is being denied an IEP by our district.
A battle has begun between Charmander and Squirtle!
Charmander learned scratch!
That's all the little bandits need to be happy.
Ozempic is bullshit
The deaf guild Undaunted is now 6/8M!
Found a small kitten
Fiercely Hungry Squirtle
Charmander's eyes are opening!
Is This the Right Community for You?
Venice Sports Cards and Collectibles owner buying all the Target stock of Pokémon cards
Little Charmander's 4 am feeding (xpost from r/IllegallySmolCats)
Little Charmander's 4 am feeding
Charmander's flame burns strong
Making sure Charmander's flame doesn't go out
i don’t understand how BED never involves restricting
Squirtle is starting to see the world!