Après un signalement de Bruno Retailleau, deux ministres évoquent une "déchéance de nationalité" visant l'eurodéputée Rima Hassan pour ses propos sur le Hamas
Where can you send your AEG for internal upgrades (Europe)
Fired my gun with the pink thing in the barrel
Update : My CM098E with a mini red dot
Rate my CM098E
Comment me débarrasser des odeurs intimes ?
How to reinforce the visor ?
Best bb weight for shower grenades ?
Date avec une fille cool mais catfish, comment annuler ?
Ideal bb weight for stock CM098 E-Edition
Airsoft Players: What’s on Your Wish List That Doesn’t Exist Yet?
Airsoft is ruining my mind
Post your doll wishlist here:
Would my outfit be allowed?
C'est quoi cette expo ?
Amazon won't refund $3000 laptop
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice..
The Genesis project has brought Star Wars to Starfield. Should you try it?
[MGS1] How do I choke people without killing them?
For people that have been playing Blood Money Reprisal on switch, whats your opinion of it?
What am I missing?
Ustensile en cuivre ou bronze, avec un long manche et un couvercle troué
I have two accounts with différent T-Dolls, how to merge ?
My Project Was BANNED From r/Arduino... Also Here Is A Test In A Box!
TaiwanGun delays