Can't tell me it not going to happen
Flag of the AfD
ako ich voláte?
Igorove "inside info" o Ficovi
What are your thoughts on Hassan Piker?
Bang! karta Fico. Navrhnite špeciálnu schopnosť
Študentská pečať
Does anybody know where in Slovakia this was taken?
I’m not confused about the joke, but why do memes have the nobody:, like what purpose does it serve?
Učebnice Fyziky pre strednú odbornú školu dopravnú v Prešove.
What is this?
Smer oslavuje na sneme 25. výročie vzniku...
Does anyone remember when people hated this thing with a burning passion
"Keď politická súčasnosť Slovenska je dedičstvo uhorskej zaostalosti, čo je toto?" (zdroj; výrok: instagram: peter_bardy; preferencií: NMS Market Research ČR)
Já už fakt nevím.
I don't know which sub to join
I recently completed this fantastic film; which Ghibli movie should I view next?
The 85 Years World War - What if World War 2 never end
potencialne creepy typek sa mota okolo mojej sestry, co by som mal urobit?
I made a map of the world but none of the countries are touching each other due to social distancing.
First outing with the Macro!
Někdo nahlásil že na všech letištích na Slovensku je bomba
What we all thought.
thunder storm at sea