What do you think about Amazons Rings of Power?
beginner here, what you think of my towns?
Kuthodaw Pagoda in my city, Mandalay, Myanmar (Read text)
Learning to speak
What kind of karma can cause one to be reborn as a Naga?
The invisible
Pov: how I wanted my city to look like
An old meme I made in highschool just before the pandemic started...
PEAK casting
healthy reminder
Doors of Moria by Alberto Trujillo
Today is 26th of february the anniversary of Boromir's death
Pacifistic Zone Airport
can you understand chinese?
Is this cursed?
Who am I?
My First Camus Novel
How do you hate my city?
Are these Japanese stereotypes of Europe true?
Japanese stereotypes of Europe
Simply, why should one meditate?
Rewatched for soemthingth time and this is the greatest thing ever happened to me
How do I memorize words in Burmese even though I'm really, really, really bad at it?
Is Dota 2 any good?
What are some movies that absolutely held your attention for the entirety of the film?
Date did the thing