[recruiting] rouge bandits I #2G8UVLQCU I th 12 or above I clan level 11 I wars and clan wars I independent
[recruiting] rouge bandits I #2G8UVLQCU I th 9 or above I clan level 11 I wars and clan wars I independent
Tre nose revert
Holy Shit! 🚨 I think I have figured out 741
Received $1500 offer to not leave TDA. Happy to provide more proof if needed. 💰
CAUTION: The reappearance of Rensole
C0000420069 checkin in!!!!!🚀🚀🌔I literally just got my account activated today. Created the login and looked at my account number! 💻🪑 I will also initiate my XXX shares over today! Sorry I took so long. Simulation is fucking confirmed!!!! LFG!!!
Yolo’d my entire Roth IRA into TQQQ.
$GME Daily Discussion Thread
What’s something you’re sure everyone is just pretending to like?
What famous Hot person isn't actually hot?
What's a food almost everyone loves but you find taste disgusting?
Reddit, how do you wanna die?
The Monet's Pond in Japan .
Just an ollie