How do you guys go about doing short films ?
What Disney name?
For those using premiere how much sharpening do you add in post slog 3
Anyone who yells right after a golf shot, you’re an idiot.
Miking up 8 people for a conversational shoot. Need help!
Would you pay $700 for this?
Who likes to push their Highlights?
Cine ei - Exposure
Please critique my first shooting/lighting/color grading job (ignore the blank background!)
How to record for 8hr minimum
A compact lens with a ton of character?
Where to green chili
I made a 5x5, what are your thoughts, on how I could improve.
Best pho?
Genuinely, how does anyone have any energy to do anything other than work?
Canon C70 rig
Severance - 2x08 "Sweet Vitriol" - Post-Episode Discussion
It seems like every successful DP gets a big break.
What are you all doing to prepare for the economy to get even worse?
FX3 Display looks VERY different from file
Full Immersed | A Short Film | Sony FX3
How do I get 185g of protein in one day?
A new BBQ truck is at 26th and Larimer right now
how far would you go to retrieve your drone?