Mafs look-alikes... let's Goooooo!!!
Is this a thing?
Was Dave faking the whole time?
Hands up if you know what this is??
in what green day era were you born ?
These are actually soooo good! Ooh aah
New Axolotls
What struggle meal did you hate growing up?
Giveaway! One (or two) hit wonders. Comment to enter. Round 2
Any other Labi Siffre fans?
Magpies dancing under the sprinkler too keep cool
Old man cocky with the latest weather report for seq
Looking for sad songs that don’t feel depressing, just beautifully melancholic.
Clint and …
Questions about Clint…
I don’t know how I feel about Clint - “Nice Guy” or is he just as much of a jerk as Lauren is?
Jacque’s Text Messages
I am shocked at Awhina’s decision
uhhh help???
Neckbeard sees a trans individual in public and decides to ignore all social boundaries
“We wanna hear your side of it too”
Tony really did waste Morena’s time
Coles and woolworths need to be stopped
I’m married to a man like Elliot-here’s my take on what’s happening