جربت ارسم فلاحة مصرية ـ اسميها إيه ؟
نفسي ابقى فنانة
Any artists who post their art on TikTok/Instagram out here?
Apollo’s favorite spot in the Kitchen.
A daily rewards thing I made
هو انا الوحيد الي بحب المحشي يكون معجن؟
Trying to get a hi from every subdivision(except North Korea ofc):Day 2
هل الرسم مبيأكلش عيش فعلاً ؟
En Egyptian Coptic Christian woman faces an Islamic preacher in Europe: "We had to pay jizya so we could keep our Christian faith. We fled our homeland due to persecution"
Man, it sucks being a F2P player
i have 1,689 gems, should i buy accel or save for engineer?
why are american copts trump supporters??
هو ليه ناس كتير في تالتة ثانوي بتجيب مجموع قليل في اخر السنة؟
بحب الرسومات الغير مكتملة اكثر من المكتملة
Rate my burgers😋😋
البنات والسرسجية
How does one know the right colors to paint like this?
ايه اكتر انمي بتحبه وليه
Toa Mahri Jaller
Christmas tomorrow
New player here!
How do you react to people screaming at you? State mbti type
MBTI Stereotype Vs What they actually look like. (shout out to OC artist /u/moikistinysis)