Visuals from Habitat
Question for Solo People - How do you handle rejections at Hotels when they make you sit in corner of the hotel & w/ not a good view?
I feel like leaving quitting reddit
This is what a government looks like. We don't have a govt, we have leeches
13LPA India vs 75k in NY, got a internal opportunity to move onsite for 3 years
Why are people visiting Goa?
So i have question for you all?
Need advice:is it worth buying 2 cr flat in Bangalore?
Tata motors Shares Certificates
Genuinely do not understand the aversion towards buying a home on loan.
27F unable to accept the changes in the life after marriage
37lpa in India vs 60k € in Spain
Any Advice to a atheist teenager from a orthodox muslim Family
How to buy property in bank auctions?
Weird situation
Villa or Apartment in Bangalore? Which did you love more? (DISK family looking to upgrade)
31 M India. Being a minority is hard in a country like India
Need Advice: Which of These Three Home Options is the Best Choice in Bangalore?
Which Island Is this opposite to baina beach?
Best dosa in pune...
Do your parents know you're an atheist?
Flats sold vs remaining.
Behold IT engineer, big crash incoming....Inmobi will be reaching 80% automation in coding. Soon others will follow..
What caused you guys to be an atheist?