Is Mihawk the most auraless top tier in the verse?
Who do you think has the more powerful Haki?
Which agenda has the stupidest fans ?
Genuinely asking, now that we are in the final saga do you think Oda will give Mihawk showings/ feats as good as Shanks?
I forgot this boi Luffy used to quote Shanks lines 😭😭💀
This man is currently getting hyped up and mentioned in every Elbaf chapter despite not even being there.... AURA
"Mihawk is just a chill guy who wants peace, he's not even interested in Shanks anymore, he's on top of the world"
Reminder that there is not a single statement or panel that says Mihawk has ever defeated Shanks
Ya'll realize how wild it is that Shanks already has the most insane Elbaf feat and he isn't even in Elbaf...
The design that Oda made for Shanks in the film “Strong World” but got cancelled. This looks sick!
Ain’t no way Mihawk was dueling a child 😭🙏🏾
Shanks set the whole thing up
Fraudhawk fanbase is too soft
Reminder that Shanks spent more time reading up on Kidd than fighting him💔
Do you think Oda will ever show us a flashback of what happened between Shanks and Kaido... I mean seriously how tf did he stop him?
Who’s the GOAT of aura?
This has gotta be the funniest Fraudhawk moment
Who's the strongest character that was present in Marineford?
So Mihawk has apparently never "settled things" or beaten Shanks before.. so how pathetic would it be if Mihawk literally just got the WSS title by default after Shanks disqualified himself from the race when he lost him arm😂
Love him or hate him, you cant deny his aura is on a whole other level
It absolutely terrifies me…
Oda wants to keep real Shanks all for himself so he gave him a twin
Same energy
Timothee Chalamet seems like a huge Batman fan and expressed interest in joining supehero movies if the script is good
If Spiderman got teleported to Gotham