Hva er noe som er greit og gjøre i andre land men som ikke er greit og gjøre her i Norge?
Basseng/spa i Oslo?
Patriark Pizzaballa
Civilization 7 Review Thread
Feirer du jul alene også?
Warm vanilla over here
Donald Trump’s FINAL political rally
Beste kebab i Oslo 2024
Pros/Cons of Civ VII based on the reveal trailer
Tips på godt betalt deltidsjobb?
This image has been thrown around. What do you think?
Kebab in Bærum
Har Pride gått for langt
Nomen est omen i Norge
NUDE saunas in Oslo
What new civs to the series are you hopping for in civ VII
Anon watches a Seth Rogan comedy
How could a hospital in Czechoslovakia stay named after FDR?
Area of Nazi Germany control on the day of their official surrender 79 years ago today.
How can I roll back the update?
Hi Sonos! Can we please have the buggy, slow S2 App back till you have fixed the new one and added ALL features? We pay to much money to be beta testers. TY!
Hva tenker du om å ikke ha barn, og hvis du fikk muligheten til å gå tilbake i tid, ville du valgt å ha dem?
To those who initially learned Mandarin in northern China and made the switch to living in Taiwan, how long did it take for you to get used to the accent difference?