Helena's internal monologue
I think we’re about to see some deep shit from Helena
Anyone else feeling lost this season?
Finally understood the real reason Helena got severed..
Prediction for Helly/Helena
I know a lot of what happens in the finale...
What’s been your favorite image in the season so far?
The Twilight Zone easter egg is a clue about Helly, not Mark.
A different spin on Jame and Helena
The exceedingly rare moments of Helly's humour this season
A quick summary of Outie Mark's season so far
The bar is set in hell
Interview: Jen Tullock Breaks Down Devon’s ‘F*It’ Plan With Cobel, Android Phone Theories and Why the Character Has ‘Always’ Been Queer
I love Mark and his story, but for me, this show is all about Helly R.
Friendly discussion: Would no-nonsense Devon like Helly/Helena?
Prediciton: Mark's Choice
This better be good
Helly’s character development
I Miss MDR and I Don't Think That Makes Me an Uneducated Neanderthal
Some of These Writing Decisions are Becoming Impossible to Ignore
Reintegration pointless?
Not sure if I'm supposed to know, or if this a "find out next week" thing
Was that _____ or _____ with _____?
Any missed moments you wish the show had explored?