My abusive mom is claiming to have PTSD after I told her about my diagnosis…
How do I bring up mild panic attacks without sounding crazy
I’m really worried and scared I’ve had a CSF leak for a few years now
What are your "dumbest" triggers? Here's the one that landed me in the psych ward.
DAE struggle with anxiety and grief causing palpitations/shortness of breath for years?
Fuck you
Co-worker has been secretly building a case against me to HR
Afraid I made therapist uncomfortable
I'll doodle your cat 😼
What’s your most uncomfortable childhood memory?
Feel like I am at risk for a heart attack for the past year
Their obsession with beauty
The way people will just discard you for being mentally ill is crazy
Has anyone ended up with a really wonderful partner?
Responded to NC parent’s text and they haven’t responded for days
DAE have flashbacks that aren’t necessarily traumatic?
Spanking IS abuse, right?
I got what I thought I wanted (therapy) but it isn’t enough, or I’m too stuck to appreciate it. I’m jaded. What do I do? (TW Suicidal ideation)
Empty chair exercise? Therapy and writing a letter to my dad
Did a sinus rinse and blew this out of my nose… North Texas… very grossed out.
Couldn’t get Q tip to go in my ear…turns out there was a whole trazodone pill in there?
Just got diagnosed, O2 at 81%
I'm sick of fucking therapists!
Do you ever miss people who hurt you?
Just rescued this guy today. Any suggestions on a name? My family is struggling to pick