White industrial hall
Valkoinen teollisuushalli vuokralle
which drug is the furthest from being sober?
My funniest adhd symptom
What's your dad's MBTI type?
What country would you want to be born wealthy in?
Your type and something weird you do for fun.
When I find out something ‘exciting’ I have a notion that everyone else will also think the same.
Do people really give them gifts?
Where will you not visit in Europe again?
What's a quote that lives rent free in your head?
Why are episodes 1-225 not in the main pod feed?
What sucks about living in Finland?
This sub is turning on Joe and I won’t stand for it… (serious)
If i change my artist name should i change it to all my old songs too?
Be honest, do you pee in the shower?
Where do you rank TwS among your favorite podcasts?
What are you convinced people are pretending to enjoy?
Joe posted in his stories that he has 17% female followers. Just interrsted to see how its with TWS.
What’s up with all the Chuck hate?
Whats the best movie with the worst ending?
What's the most unattractive hobby or a career for a woman? Why?
For women over 30: How do you feel about being called a girl?
what stereotypical guy things do you find cringy?
What's your favourite funnies / jokes from the pod?