Wow, what a smart and brave boy.
This is so amazing and smart of her.
AITAH- for wanting to confront my husbands female coworker
AITA for avoiding my sister after she stole my Nintendo 3DS
What is something from another culture that you wish more people would adopt?
If you could talk to your teenage self, what will be the things that you will say to it?
What's the most pleasant sound to you?
Who did you admire growing up that you're now disappointed by?
How do you deal with people who want a reply to their texts asap otherwise they’ll spam you into replying?
what's a subtle sign that someone isn't a good person?
People who are immune to a-holes, what's your secret? How are you not disturbed by rude, bossy, stubborn people who refuse to negotiate? How do you work with them, and without getting upset?
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while horny that no one else knows about?
Men of reddit. What makes a woman creepy?
If you could be anywhere in the world, other than where you are right now, where would it be?
Have you taken a nude picture of yourself that you're still proud of?
What are reasons for preferring darkness and nighttime activity?
In your opinion how rare are people without social media?
What do people get out of performing sexual acts in public?
What’s your go to cheap or easy meal?
What 90’s song best describes your mood tonight?
Has anyone ever pissed into a Dyson airblade and what happened?
What movie/music genre most reflects your sex life and why?
When did you laugh your ass off?
During a full body oil massage, how do you keep it clean without walking on lube ?