My LCD is dead right ?
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Vim - Let me know what you think
player-one.nvim: Bring 8-Bit Sound Effects to Neovim!
Kickstart.nvim needs YOU! :)
Is this weird artifact caused by a hair I found under the fep sheet? Build plate orientation is the Blue line
The Syntax option
I haven’t touched my config in nearly 4 hours
If Kamp really important?
Girlfriend (28F) gave me an ultimatum: Her or configuring Neovim. I think she’s being selfish.
Trailblazer.nvim users, whats ur workflow?
First layer edges peeling
question about the last flame
jirac.nvim: jira client inside Neovim
What vim habits did you need to unlearn?
Looking for a inline PR comment plugin
Does anyone else hate typing/editing in anything other than neovim?
snacks.nvim people - How have you structured your snacks and what others plugins have the replaced?
How to config transparency in Neovim in the right way?
Neogit is such an amazing way to use git.
Not New Player tired of being insulted
Does anyone ever use leap/flash/hop etc all the time?
I never played smite much and i want to get into it any tips?
Why use arrow/harpoon/etc?
tell me how i’m the problem?