I think I’m in love with firehair
Not understanding this play
I love this split i got
What is your Ye deep cut
any idea how much
day 4 of posting concepts until update 9: the rascal
glitch with mage buff and grand warden
i cannot be the only one not having fun playing this game— winning just doesn’t feel good…
magic archer archer queen combo
game state
Update 7 is good for the game
The most recent update sucks... (Long rant)
So how are you guys enjoying the new update so far?
the best grand warden deck by far
grand warden
Conq Elise viable at all?
Aries Drum kit
Is there a way to bind Q to left click?
Do you like the skin for Vex?
Actual Favorite song from DONDA?
damn ok ok
What discontinued food do you wish was brought back?
I've played gwen for the whole day after her release, so I'll make a short guide for her if anyone is struggling.