I know what I’ve got. CASH OFFAS ONLY
Israeli settler shoots Palestinian municipal worker and IOF stands by like nothing happened
A massive 6200 options block order of 50Cs for 4/4/25 was filled today. Looks like someone knows something RC knows.
Is it possible to send back BTC to my used Ballet Wallet?
No fucking wayyyy!!?
Cardsmiths have sent me the incorrect amount of Doge
Need some tips with Ballet Redemption cold wallet
Sorry to post again, but I need the OG DD'ers to see this.
Decided to transfer my redemption cards to my own wallet. Both cards not funded....
That’s our GameStop Board Member Larry Cheng: “Cash combined with courage in a crisis is priceless.” -Warren Buffet 🔥
iMessage / Apple is not saving my Palestine flag emoji as recently used
This quite possibly be the worst analogy ever
Is there a way to get the sat nav installed onto this without buying a 3rd party screen?
I’m obsessed with the show “MO.”
Business has dropped approx 25% this past year.
creatinine bloat
If creatine is the most studied supplement why isn’t there one study on a link to hair loss?
Creatine is absolutely linked with hair loss
Getting SatNav for my VW?
We’ve Been Robbed Again (Literally for ByBit)
Artist tears hotel art off wall and shatters it
$GME's Gamma Exposure (GEX) ☢️🧲🔋
11-year-old Jocelynn Rojo Carranza, a 6th grade student at Gainesville Intermediate School, tragically died by suicide after relentless bullying by her classmates who threatened to call ICE on her parents.