realistic fight against monolith
how do i beat Kaycee’s mod?
did anyone genuinely enjoy stalker 2?
skif goes home
new to stalker here, i have questions
screw the swamp, absolute desolate shit hole with no hope of surviving an emission
Pokemon Go should be cold weather safe
Matchmaking hello?
looking for straw hat pika, offering below
What did you guys get for the event?
Pulled my third car from the spin! How many cars you got and what’s your best streak?
I need help, why I cant evolve my spearow into Ho-oh?
Give me a reason to keep this
looking for straw hat pika, offering below. (new to trades sry if bad offer)
how in the actual hell do i beat the entire freaking genyu force with one life as goku, freaking ridiculous and impossible to fight in close quarters what tf do i do before i just stop trying entirely
Top 5 Skins We Need In ASBR
What is the best Pokémon that you think is the best that you acquired from a trade?
You have to be kidding me with the best buddy badge
Is it worth buying the game in 2025?
genuine question
i feel like i know the answer to this sadly, but can i force close app after getting a random encounter challenge done to potentially get a shiny?
being rural sucks
Anyone else having crazy luck today?
Lf Image offering shinies in picture