Who do I believe??
Is that an actual Karina build or the enemy was just really really bad?
Freya Rework Survey
"Welcome back to Hell"
POV: Kalea is about to combo you
im exp laner, and id say shes good as exp, the sustain is crazy as her skill 1 got low cd
New Clint/Terizla/Balmond/Argus TITAN MECHA Series Skin Survey! Theme:Titan Mecha Hero: Clint/Terizla/Balmond/Argus Design overview(Number of themes: 4)
Guide on how to play Kalea
A Selena you would want as a teammate
In response to that response to that response of that Johnson main's driving skill a week ago, I bought his Legend skin
There are no pros.
Which hero do you pick not because it is meta, but because you really enjoy playing with it?
Goated mm builds to make roamers cry. (Your own roam, of course. 🙂)
Model Naruto x mlbb leak
Upcoming/Current Roamers or Even long time roamers pls read this.
What does my mains tell about me
What do my main heroes say about me?
Safe to say thunderbelt works
Who’s your favorite The Aspirant
Don't touch my mm 😡
What do my 3 main picks say about me?
I don't like the games lately favor the losing team
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 24)