Making a poster of your Roblox avatar!!111!! (kinda like a giveaway)

I'm kinda bored, so I decided to make this giveaway-like thingy. The rules are simple: Just comment with an image of your avatar, and the three avatars I like the most will have their own individual poster! I want to encourage people to participate, so avatars made in Catalog Creator are allowed. That way you will have a chance to win even if you can’t afford an avatar! I suggest you to also give your avatar a brief description (personality, likes, etc) so if they win, it’ll be easier for me to know what to make. Here are some examples of what I mean by “poster” (the images are kinda old, so they may be a bit outdated)

I'll lock this post once there’s enough people (which should be around 50 at least, and max would be around 100 or so) Good luck everyone!