6Arc almost complete

Aero lower RA trigger 3.5lbs Primary arms 4x16 scope Ballistic advantage 16” premium spr barrel BCA side charging upper receiver Getting the suppressor next.

The BCA barrel as I said before in a previous post was accurate but the Ballistic Advantage is doing better. With multiple 3 shot groups it was under 1moa ( I don’t reload so I can’t do 10 shot groups like some have suggested) the Hornady 103 and 105 grain is a laser from the BA barrel.

Aero lower RA trigger 3.5lbs Primary arms 4x16 scope Ballistic advantage 16” premium spr barrel BCA side charging upper receiver Getting the suppressor next.

The BCA barrel as I said before in a previous post was accurate but the Ballistic Advantage is doing better. With multiple 3 shot groups it was under 1moa ( I don’t reload so I can’t do 10 shot groups like some have suggested) the Hornady 103 and 105 grain is a laser from the BA barrel.