Can i join with this ?
Have you reported unprofessional instructor behavior on End of Course Survey for tech school?
leaving tomorrow
Best boots after bmt
To the Blue Falcon who kept ratfucking my MREs
Too much packed?
Just got back from MEPS, ask me questions!
Another One Down!
Gas gun 6 Arc performance at 200yds
Say goodbye to shaving waivers
6Arc almost complete
BMT Graduate (Dec. 13) AMA
Shipping out December 30th!!
Thinking about a lightweight upper for coyotes
12 months, one rifle, I am going with 6ARC.
Fitness level
23F Anyone here get granted a waiver for past history of panic attacks?
Anyone have the pdf for the 24-25 edition of ASVAB for Dummies?
6arc ballistics
1.5 mile run
Bolt action vs ar platform
Finally helped my buddy get his first deer - made him work for it though
Trespass incident
Approach to answering questions.
Another doe down!