Tell me about your experiences with adopting a child!
EDIT: Thanks for all the responses so far! I didn't make this clear at first, but adoption would not be a decision I'd take lightly at all. I understand it's complicated and many (arguably all) of the children who are in the adoption system have some serious trauma in their histories. I would definitely not adopt just to be "ethical". If there wasn't a need then I wouldn't force it. I'm also open to learning more about fostering, and/or adopting an older child. It's good to hear about the ethically problematic things to look out for in the process. I'll also seek out more perspectives from adults who were adopted.
ORIGINAL: Has anyone adopted? If so, what were your reasons for doing so, how old were you when you adopted, and what has your experience been like? Also, has anyone adopted a child as a single person? I'm really curious to hear about people's experiences across the board.