Almost 35 and still single
What are your dating/relationship red flags?
Guy I went on a date with is worried that my career is a red flag?
How did you afford to live alone?
How many of you don't have high flying careers?
Has anyone experienced relational problems when you "leveled up" in your life? How did you manage it?
Sometimes I crave a relationship other times…not so much?
Tell me about your experiences with adopting a child!
Day 3 at the gym and I'm convinced people who workout regularly are insane
My heart just got crushed. What do i even say?
How do you set reasonable expectations on relationships?
Anyone using AI for therapy?
Has anyone figured out lunch yet??
I am always so irritated, i feel i am ruining my RELATIONSHIPS
Do I give a new therapist a second chance if they forget about my session?
How do you set reasonable expectations on relationships (personal and professional)?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
He's perfect... except in bed. Should I ruin everything for that?
Are you less insecure in your 30s?
scared of death as I am deconstructing
What should a woman never do for a man?
The worst thing about being single?
What is your personal tolerance level for those with different politics from you?
Non Americans that have been to the US, what are the cultural shocks?
South Park is an overrated show for (predominantly white) wannabe edgy nerds and outcasts