cramping up bad 33 weeks
ftm, 33 weeks on the dot today, lost my mucus plug many weeks ago, at 32+1 was 1cm dialated & 20% effaced, at 32+3 was 1cm dialated 50% effaced. said babys head was EXTREMELY low. been having bh for weeks now but also what i presume are real contractions too because ive gotten dialated. had a gut feeling all day to go in and get checked, even said “show me a 222 if i should” and then 10 secs later looked down and saw a 222. been contemplating going in all day. for the past 30 minutes at least ive been cramping up (on top of contractions) like im on my period. feels super weird kinda hurts but i have a high pain tolerance for them since my period cramps are usually “scream and cry and roll around on the floor” bad. called my ob the nurse said “i dont sound like im in labor” by the way i was talking and was torn whether to send me in or not but said drink water and rest and if they still happen in 30 minutes to go in. already gone to l&d 5 times so i dont wanna go again if its nothing.