Shut down
How do you all find the time?
How old were you when you gave birth the first time?
“losing my fucking shit rn” update from last night
What superfluous habit did you have in the newborn phase that seems silly now?
7DPO What do we think?
almost falling/falling asleep while bottle feeding baby
Surprising Songs Your Babies Get Excited/Calm About
do u see a faint line or am i crazy?
any songs about bipolar or that resonate with your experience of being bipolar?
36W and 5D with period like cramps
did you lose your boobs postpartum?
Baby Shower at 33 weeks
cramping up bad 33 weeks
When to tell employer I’m pregnant? Waiting for promotion news?
At what point is it a bad idea for husband to travel?
33 weeks almost fully effaced!
Gender Predictions?
Let’s see
baby toiletries
ftm 32 weeks & dilated
offering: english (native) seeking: spanish (mexican)
i think my babys coming very early
Pregnancy anxiety is killing me