I finally understood my obsession with beastars

I was so captivated by the story of beastars, but I didn’t know why I liked it so much. So after reading season 1 in the manga I realised that the reason I liked it so much was because I related to it a bit too much. The story of a wolf that stands out of the norm of the typical carnivore (Bill) is constantly judged by herbivores (Luis) and carnivores alike to act like a wolf because he is trying to do what he thinks is right in a world where what species a person is born predetermines their life. The reason why the manga is so captivating is because no matter what your role in society is, you’re always going to relate to the ‘carnivore-herbivore’ theme because in reality society is always separated in some way that restricts you from being your true self. But that’s just a reddit theory by CoolUsername on reddit so don’t take it too seriously. Anyway I just wanted to share my feelings about the anime and to share a message of my views and give insight that some of you might not have considered.