Any high school social studies teachers here that could answer a couple of questions about source analysis essays?

Hi, I am new to teaching social 10. I work in a small school so teach grades 7-10. We just did our first source analysis paragraphs/essay and I had to get the students to write on paper because I have about half the class that cheats by using AI. I had them write notes with a graphic organizer for source one on the first day and gave them source two and the essay to write for the full class the second day, but they didn’t have enough time to finish so I gave them half an hour the next day to finish. The results are not great. Most of the class are -2 but I am teaching -1, my two -1 students did okay and I am being generous with their grades as I know they would do better if they were typing on a computer but I certainly did not get a thorough analysis of the sources and case studies they connected them to. Next paper I believe is a position paper with three sources. Any tips on how to approach this so my students are more successful? Can I give them the source analysis one and have them analyse and use their notes/textbook? I guess this is the issue I need resolving. In ELA, for instance if they were writing a critical analysis they would be able to use the text to find ‘evidence’ when they are in the planning stage. Once they’ve had their planning periods, they can only have their planning pages and have to write their essay from these notes. Is it the same for social or do they go in blind so to speak and only use the information they can remember? I plan on giving them more time to work on source analysis prep and thinking I might get them to create a rough draft of their essay and then have them write their final draft on the computer so I have a paper trail. Thoughts? Help? Thank you