Tickets for General Conference
Suggestions for cruise
I Have a Ukrainian Friend Who's Trying To Figure Out A Pathway for PR.
I am very distantly related to my wife...
Grade 8 and 9 split classroom setting in BC
My Wheaten has a super sensitive stomach.
Did Irish people not care what age they were?
Reverse T3 optimal?
Can’t figure out what country someone was born in
Was it uncommon for my aristocratic British Army Officer ancestor to acknowledge and provide for his illegitimate daughter born in Canada in 1782?
Why do genealogy and temple work if it will be done in the Millenium?
Adding cytomel t3 meds w synthroid
Any high school social studies teachers here that could answer a couple of questions about source analysis essays?
Losing absurd amounts of hair
Is my Wheaten too fat?
How do I go about to moving back from the USA?
Foundational Literacy Curriculum for Secondary Students
Alternatives to levothyroxine/synthroid in Canada?
In-class writing assessments
Brought expired PR card on holiday. Leaving tomorrow. What to do??? Freaking out.
Searching for grandmother’s father using DNA
Illegitimate George and Wicked Peg
First Cousin Marriages
Tutoring an 8th grader reading at a 1st grade level, urgently need suggestions!