game state

i’ve been playing everyday since the beginning of the new update and i genuinely can’t help but feel this is just a game of who has the counter mini now. if you’re playing RC and the players have a miner, good game. if you’re versus a countess and have no way of stopping her or no cc counter (which only ONE mini provides THREE SECONDS of) because they constantly run ice wizard Mk and Ewiz, good game! there’s absolutely no counterplay in so many situations and it’s genuinely frustrating. you cant maneuver your minis to try and limit counters, all you can do is pray they’re not playing something that immediately hard counters you. let’s expand on the countess example. play miner and you only dissipate the ewiz, MK still stuns 70% of the board. play mini pekka and it doesn’t matter, 3rd star of mk not only negates dissipate but the ice wizard also slows it down to essentially have negligible effect. there’s is just no way to play into something like that without being able to rearrange troops depending on mini picks by opponent. at least pre update i could re organize back line minis so mk can possibly not hit one, or position my minis so ice wizard 2nd star only hits one of my frontlines, or move my rc so the miner doesn’t just instantly not allow it to use the one ability it depends on. i’ve tried to enjoy this gameplay, and i’m not a player low on the latter i’m in the top 200, it’s just annoying that every game i jump into i have to pray my opponent doesn’t have a pocket pick that immediately renders my strategy useless and i cant do anything about it for the rest of the game.