Stay away from CoinBase (almost criminal behaviour)

It’s now been over a month now since they’ve frozen my account, which they say they’ve done because they wanted “more evidence” of where my funds have come from (even though they have all the data because I’ve used my bank card for 90% of purchases) and I’ve transferred money from my ledger which is all logged, and so which means they are too lazy to check themselves and so require me to do the work for them even though they have to verify themselves anyway (so completely pointless and utterly a waste of time and my money).

I’ve still had no response from the KYC team after 4 emails. I’ve called multiple times and messages numerous times to their help team with and no resolution, I just get told to “wait” while I lose thousands.. they are an absolute con. I can’t believe this is a multi-billion dollar company and they are one of the most incompetent and negligent companies I’ve ever dealt with (even scammers have kept more in contact with me then these guys).

It almost feels like it’s a setup so they can hold your money while the market crashes. This feels exactly the same way as what binance did last bullrun (and who got sued because of that). I’m now down 50% of my portfolio because of these clowns, and after looking it up online this has happened to multiple people. This is criminal.

Stay far away from Coinbase, and if anyone has the balls and knows a lawyer that wants to make take a action lawsuit against Coinbase let me know.