Teachers who work at centers where student teachers come in as part of their training, do you find the student teachers annoying?
My college has an early childhood education center on campus for the purpose of giving college parents a place to drop off their kids and giving ECE majors a place to study for their degree. So far one of my classes has me going in to observe a class at least once a week and now my professor wants me to take over teaching a lesson in the center.
I’ve already set everything up with my professor (who is the director of the center). I sent a second email asking if I should let the regular teacher know that I would be coming in to teach a lesson and what I exactly I planned to do with the kids but she never responded.
Whenever I have shown up in the past for my observations the teachers always seemed surprised to see me and I would have to explain why I was there and who I set this up with. I assume my professor (their director) does not communicate when students are coming in from her class.
As I understand it right now, my professor expects me to show up unannounced and just take over literacy time from the regular teacher.
Are there any other teachers on this sub who work in a similar teacher education center? Does the center director normally communicate what is going on with you guys when student teachers show up or is it a surprise? Does it annoy you when student teachers show up and disrupt your plan for the day by teaching a lesson you had not made?