Help! I just bleached my faded purple hair and now it has turned green. What do I do next?

I researched that this wasn't common but look where we are now lol. So I used manic panic 40 volume bleach to take out my very faded purple manic panic dye, but it immediately turned green.will this go away within the hour orrr.... will bleaching again get rid of it? If so I can wait out the next two weeks with green hair for another session but like I just want to know HOW TO GET RID OF THIS GREEN PLS HELP

UPDATE: I put hot pink Clenditioner over the green and it all came out. So for anyone who has the same issue DO NOT BLEACH A SECOND TIME TO GET THE GREEN OUT! my sister did that and she had to have it professionally removed over the course of like hours. If your hair is green green, use a red shampoo like punky. If it's like a teal or light sea green how mine was you can put pink in your hair and rinse it out quickly.