Which to keep? OLED vs Let's Go
Story of seasons vs harvest moon… which do I play?
Story of season vs harvest moon… which do I play?
Missing a shard from capital city firehouse, but even when I reset the level it won’t let me get it, help?
Am I too old to start learning guitar?
Can older students stay on campus here?
Do you become a computer and information systems manager with a degree in computer science?
Do you become a computer and information systems manager by getting a computer science degree?
What GPA is needed to apply for CSULB?
Weekly What Should I Buy Thread and Order/Shipping Thread
New to Pokémon! I got the lost origin ETB and pulled the Pidgeot V I wanted… yay!
Which ones of you on here actually play Pokémon tcg vs who just collects? How do I “capitalize” off of collecting?
What's an unpopular opinion you have about Pokemon cards??
Is it unsafe/unhealthy to be getting sick (respiratory infections) all the time?
who else has a LEAST favourite colour?
Csumb or CSUDH for computer science?
CSUMB or CSUDH for computer science?
Do we all do this? Share any colours with me?
New to programming or computer science? Want advice for education or careers? Ask your questions here!
How is the Online Computer Science program?
What is currently the best subdivision of the CS industry?
Is it too late for me to go back for a degree?
Do web developers make a good amount of money compared to computer programmers?
I need my bff back
Can a communications major get into screenwriting or other film industry jobs?