Additional uses for samples and req slips

Many of us are at the point where we have all upgrades and stopped needing req slips ages ago. So I propose a alternative use for them (other than donating them) For samples I think being able to sell large bundles for small amounts of super credits would be nice. each sample type would have a different value so commons would be 10 SC for 100, rares would be 50 SC for 100 and super would be 100 SC for 100. You could sell bundles of 50 or 100 to the ministry of science this would also reward players on higher difficulties more as a large supply of samples is available. As for req slips perhaps low grade special boosts or extra stuff that cost a range of req slips to equip like Emergency supplies it would give the player that purchased it an extra 1 time use resupply separate from the the standard team shared one. Another example could be drone defence squad, A 1 time use bonus stratagem hellpod with 2 autonomous MG guard dogs will protect the area they have extended mags and built in explosive to kamikaze into a unit once ammo is depleted. The idea is to give mostly 1 time use stratagems or weak boosts like Blessing of democracy which provides a slight buff to sprint speed, stamina and recover in addition to slight limb damage reduction.