I die more to friendly fire that bugs, atleast with bots you can't just wing it.
Now that i realize I haven’t really seen anybody talk about or use it, what’s the consensus on this cutie patootie?
Of all the possible new guard dog drones, which one would you want the most?
Make the DSS not dormant and lame as hecking hell 88% of the time
HMG sentry and Eagle Airburst strike
Double support weapon backpack? What two big guns you carrying?
Some shower thought style ideas I've had while spreading sweet managed democracy across the galaxy
We really need more guys in the Automaton front…
Can we agree these are the 5 worst enemies
What support weapon do you guys have the most fun with?
This is an underused stratagem
Forget nerfs and buffs. Which Hellpod do y’all always pick given the choice?
Anyone else starting to get bored of this modifier combo. It's the giga minor inconvenience modifier pack
Forklift Melee Mech Idea
Sentries. You gotta bring sentries to defense missions.
I want Strategem Hero
Anyone Else Had Teammates Just Refuse to Reinforce You?
New evolution of the snake bug?
My best guess of what JO.E.L. stands for.
What's your guys' favourite enemy
Orbital 120mm is seriously underrated
My god these Thermite grenades are amazing.
New Stratagem Suggestion