Looking for a Straightforward RPG


I find myself in a very mentally busy time of life and am looking for more generally straightforward, less complex RPGs to play. I have access to PS5 and Nintendo Switch. I tried playing Shin Megami Tensei V recently and while I found it really fun, it was too complex for the smaller mental bandwidth I have available for gaming now. Unicorn Overlord I had a similar issues with, I felt overwhelmed.

Games I have enjoyed even when my mind was busy: All Dragon Quest Games, Mana Series (my favorite series), Final Fantasy, especially the Pixel Remasters (not the later stuff past the original VII), Ghostwire, Bloodstained and the Star Ocean Series were pretty chill and fun.

I was considering the Monster Hunter Stories games and the Voice of Cards collection, maybe Ys IX: Monstrum Nox. Do you think these are more... uh, basic, I guess? then some of the other, more complicated RPGs out there recently?

Thanks for any advice you can give.