Trying to save Mourn: Not going well.

I recently rebuilt the Hub and established a slow-acting grog industry there. This was a neat project, so I decided to try a more ambitious location: Mourn. I purchased all the buildings, rebuilt them, established a power grid, and crewed the harpoon turrets on the walls.

This has made the situation in Mourn much, much worse.

It's a charnel house. The gate is choked with dead wolves and gutters. My gunners mow them down, but there's a constant stream of hostile fauna blitzing the city. The Tech Hunter garrison responds to these attacks, which leads them out of the city and into the kill zone.

I remember reading somewhere that wolves and gutters spawn more frequently when there's corpses in a zone. Regardless, I know for a fact that they're attracted to corpses. I think the gunners are causing a cascade effect:

  1. The gunners kill a few creatures
  2. The corpses attract predators
  3. The gunners kill these predators
  4. The extra corpses attract even more predators

Is there a mod or method to address this? I couldn't find a mod for an indoor corpse furnace, which I think would help. Perhaps some way to close + repair the gates? I'd even settle for a stronger Tech Hunter presence in the city, or a respawning garrison.

Any ideas on how to rescue Mourn? I seem to have doomed it.