Why am so outnumbered in BEX? 4v12?
Is there any evidence that this feature actually exists? Does anyone have a screencap or clip?
Cheating problem really is real
Trying to save Mourn: Not going well.
Where are ALL your favourite base locations?
Massive Problem with Electrical Engineering
What's a good way to apply pressure?
Was or wasn't Cuba an example of real socialism?
So many red flags. I need you to look like a movie star and be "large" even though I'm only 5'2". Now heres a picture of me posing with other men. Now take me on a date you idiot.
Hot pregnant mom is looking for someone to step up and be a dad.
"I can't get the guys that I want. I couldn't possibly be the problem. Therefore those guys must be intimidated by me. If not, prove me wrong by being interested in me".... Mental Gymnastics.
I have enough rolls to look like the Michelin Tire Mascot. Now here are my demands. Don't be judgemental. Be willing to put up with my attitude. Be a family oriented guy. You must like and be able to "handle" a big girl. Also be accepting of the fact that I like to hangout with other guys.
Tattooed covered, full time single mom of 2 "looking for something serious with someone that wants to share a life together". Her hobbies include being outdoors and adventures with her kids.
Single mum, kids the world, at 41 not anymore into games and fed up with mr. wrong, looking for mr. Right.
Just found this on Twitter. Harvard please explain why black people are underrepresented???
Manna from Heaven
What is your “...and then the pandemic hit” story?
What are your thoughts on men who joke about subjects such as misogyny and rape and then justify it "because they're joking"?
What's the wildest conspiracy theory that you came up with on your own?
What's the reason for far-right governments becoming popular in many countries in the recent years?
Americans, what’s holding you back from moving to Canada?
If the American Bill of Rights/Constitution was given a total rewrite today by our elected officials, what would be the new and or improved amendments?
Disregarding Trump supporters reasons why CNN is fake news, what legitimate reason is CNN untrustworthy?
How comes it that a baby can inherit billions just because their parents are rich?
[Serious] Should museums be forced to return any and all items that weren't given to them voluntarily by a person or organization? Why, why not?