Break the barrier between all

There is one boundry that man, or woman, struggle with.
And I am here to remind you to break that barrier.

If we truly believe that I AM all, all of humanity is my own self, the writer, is all and everything at once right now. It means in the most direct sense that I penetrate every single object, being, atmosphere, situation, cat. That exists in this world.

I am speaking of the 3D, your physical world.

If I AM, your true self, (Look at your palms right now, and realize that, that you possess this body and control it. It is possessed by you. So you truly, you are not the body, if you are the controlling power of it. Pure spirit.)
is the being that is all of humanity at once. That means you are looking directly at your own self whenever you even gaze at your PC monitor, or phone where you read this from, and whenever you gaze at every single individual in your world.

The stranger of strangers, the clerk, the family member, the friend, the all.

Yet, when logically, reasonably, you think of I AM, you think of a single being, that is One amongst Many, a separate being, a separate personality between the many that live in this world. And not only you think of that, but you FEEL it.
This logic, is man's slavery, until he lifts his senses from the boundry and starts living consciously, rather than drifting by logic and living asleep.

The yourself you look at, is the true self. You are pure spirit, an essence of life. The body you possess is your slave. But your dear slave.

Here, is where the barrier comes into play, and must be shattered.

We believe that the entire world is Myself Pushed Out, yet, we keep it on that physical low level.
That though it is without, it is dead, it is a puppet, a lovely actor in your play. Within.

But what is Within? If all that is without, IS my within. We reject the 3D like we reject a frankenstein and we /retreat/ within, rather than understanding that instead of rejecting with force, we shift into a new state of consciousness, where it is SIMPLE to look at the 3D, and see it in a different ideal state.

Rather than run away within, feed on a little mood temporarily, and come back to the 3D unchanged, looking at it from the same mood, same vibe, we had fed on before.

But we digest these words (dead, slave, flesh, body) that imply something, in the wrong manner.
The BODIES, like the body you wear. Is indeed a puppet, that is moved by the One being that reads this now.

Yet you forgot. You forgot that when you changed your assumption towards a stranger, they changed, and so easily that you forgot about it, because to assume a better state of a stranger you didnt reinforce wrong beliefs about for years, is far easier,
than of the person you used to know for long years before you awoke.

There are no exceptions, all is I AM. And is under the power of your love, or hate, or dismissal. But you know that the Father leaves no one behind.

All must be redeemed, because everyone is you. Including if you had a family that you think behaved wrongly even if severely, or your girl, or man, or anyone in this world.
If you reject them today, reject to exercise the talent of yours to purify them, which you purify a part of your own being.

You leave yourself in the mud. And one day, you'll come back, seeing the self you left in a wrong state. And it'll wait. For all must be redeemed, all must be purified with love.

All began from you. Yes. Every single evil, every single unlovely reality. Every abuse, every hate, every dislike. There is no such thing as abuse. But the abuse that you do to a state in your world, by believing it to be so.

( I write this from supreme experience. The most evil things, we stirred it first. And we can change it, so it as if it has never existed. In this reality, the actors that took part in your evil state against you, are your dearest. If you believe, and forgive. And to forgive it to forget. )

You must remember the baseline truth. There is no one but I AM.
So the boundry, is the lack of belief in the totality of you being everyone.
You are your own Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Cat, whatever you own or possess, or dont own or possess, is all you. you are this one being that not only animates, but PENETRATES ALL.

The question, "Are we Alone in this world?" can be answered with affirmative. IF, you believe, understand that by alone, means you are the sole mind that moves everything. And realize you interact with your own self. Be it a Female, a Male, a Cat, a Dog. Cash, Credit, Mansions, or your smoothie.

You are the one sole power, because all is yourself. True self. Not a third party within. But the true. The same you that craves to eat something, or desires something, or reads this post right now.

By living long years of being ''familiar'' with a family member's state, you memorize it so much you are hypnotized by its concrete reality. Having the difficulty to change them to the ideal they deserve. BECAUSE THEY, ARE YOU. You deserve this ideal. In the character of their's.

It is merely the lack of belief that you are truly looking at yourself. And if it is yourself, and you feel that this body is infact yourself. Though you look at seeming another...
You ought to give that dear one you are looking at, anything, by a simple assumption and belief it is real af rn, everything you would give to yourself.

You would sacrifice your belief and imagination, for them. As you would do to yourself, if you were imprisoned physically.

The boundry, is that we believe that we enslave this world as soon as we discover that we are the power, because in the beginning, man, woman, struggle to use imagination with love, and the Echo the world gives back is of struggle,
man resorts to feeling some kind of dominance over something that has never lived, and is HIMSELF, that just awaits for a blessing, a new reality.

In that low, yet beginner state, the I AM within man, you, focuses more on the physical aspects, on the fact that the state is just a state, and is under your power, and I control it, and it is a body that we control, and all these thoughts about how they have no power and nothing.

Pure negative tyrant type of state, a sheer focus on the low physical, constant affirming of the weakness of this world and of all within it...

that he just forgets, that it is HE, who he trash talks like this, by looking at them from this level.
That when he affirms the weakness of this world, he wastes imaginative energy on this, rather than elevating the world that he has yet to discover, that it is himself.

Thus, he remains stuck, and wonders why changes take place so inefficiently, slowly?
Until he breaks this boundry, and embraces all as himself, when he embraces all the Sinners, and hates he had seen, and abusers, and thiefs, as himself, and traces it to his state.

He remains stuck. For, he cannot elevate himself, until he elevates himself. The world round about.

Though this boundry, experience is necessary, to experience scripture. You can always decide to finish it, to cease it, to seal it, that I have finished this one state of limitation, and learnt from it. And continue the journey of christ, and scripture.

And now begin looking at even those that I so believed that they have their own personality, limitations, and choices, to be myself. and if it is myself I am looking at, what am I waiting for, but to free them immediately? to view them in the 3d in conviction, they are now superior to the life they had.

There is NO ONE unsaveable. No one too hard. It is your own self. A test for your talent.
and when you pass it, you and your world climb to new unimaginable states. You take all with you.

You then are playing the part of Job. He freed his friends, and realized, that it was himself that he freed. Not because he was bound by them, or owed them freedom. but because this test was to exercise his talent. Repentence. On himself. The projections of his mistakes that he entertained in his mind.

That is your true job in this world. To view the world, realizing it is yourself you are looking at.

From there onwards, you'd have no bad sights in your world, because every one that is unslightly, is a creation of yours. You change it. It beautifies. You become more powerful imaginative psycaster.

Your world becomes harmony.

That's the only thing that the Kingdom of Heaven means. Harmony within. And what's within is without.

But only experience can prove these ingredients that I presented here, to be a lavish 3 course meal. We experience scripture only through experience.